Working Mom in Search of Alternate Reality

Friday, March 25, 2005

I want a day off without my kids home!!!

I mean is that too much to ask? I wish I could just relax and have a cup of tea and check my email and have a bowl of cereal without having to break up fights, cook a made-to-order omlet, yell at them to go do their chores their daddy has listed for them to do. *sighs*

Ok, so today is payday, so it's bill-paying day. And since the girl we had hired and taken the time to train just up and quit, now I have to work a Night tonight at the store. So I have to be here to make sure the kids do their chores and try to relax a little in the meantime,.. then I have to figure out which bills *can* be paid and which ones have to be put off til next payday. C's check is half of what it usually is becauset ehy paid him for 3 weeks last payday. But did I pay some of this week's bills out of last paycheck... no of course not. That would have been the intelligent and responsible thing to do. So now I have over $1300 of bills to pay with just $750 and that does include my paycheck which is also short due to having jetlag so bad after my trip back from England. Anyway, then I have to go pay the bills I can pay, then go to work tonight at 4pm.

I still have the filing cabinet I had bought when I got back from England and was in an organizational mood,... it's been put together but is still sitting in front of the TV... it's supposed to be under my desk where I can actually USE it. But under my desk is where the old computer C was using when his laptop was gone. So we have to find a place to put the computer. Our bedroom closet floor would be fine, but it's full of bags of stuff that need to be sorted and see if anything will fit the kids etrc. etc. etc. *sighs* I *really* need to be in a bigger house SOON. .. Also at the same time I bought that filing cabinet, I bought cutains and a curtain rod to match the ones in the bedroom. They are supposed to go up to cover the closet (which has no door) ... and they're still sitting there. I've been home 3 weeks now

Here's another rant....

EVERY day I've had off since I got back fromthe UK has been a bad day,... I've either been called into work, or the school has called to make me get a kid from school for whatever reason. The only good ones have been Sundays, but they're not really days off. I spend the morning ranting and yelling at everyone about the state of the house when like a dozen people are coming over later... so I get a massive headache and get pissed off at the world. Then I have to (I don't really HAVE to, but I've gotta feed my family of 6 and I can't just tell everyone else they can't have any) feed the housefull of people which can usually number up to 13 in total (including their girlfriends). It amazes me that we host that many people in such a tiny space. I end up baking brownies for everyone as well, but I enjoy that (just not the cleanup afterwards.) I enjoy playing the games, I just really wish my house were clean when I woke up Sunday morning...

*sighs* Corina just realized the top to her flute is missing.... ugh. Well it's going on noon, so I'd better actually get to the bank....

Breakfast: 1 bowl of Total with skim milk


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