Finally! Good Days!!!
I'm smiling finally. I do admit I really love my up days so much better than my down ones.
Sunday was a fairly good day afterall. Mom was really tired and was having a down day of her own. She cried a few times at the party. But I know she's doing better because she went to a Tupperware party the previous night, and cooked a pot of chicken and dumplings the day before. She's not great, but she isn't just laying around moping.
Sunday night was our Vampire game. I rearranged the living room, so now I get to sit in MY recliner for the game :-D Even though I had sent out emails to everyone telliong them NOT to show up til 6, 2 of the guys were here when we got home at 4:30. It never fails. I stifled my mood about it though til C announced that it's not a good idea to come early after I tell them not to. They both said they hadn't seen the emails. Oh well..
The game was pretty good. we finally ALL got together and did stuff as a group. Well, except C who fell asleep cause he never went to bed Sunday morning. My character Sabina got a new bike given to her by Luther, got a permanent asst manager job offer at her sire's dance club, and hwe a record deal to consider. And she's gotten the whole group to work together to find out where her ex bf is. He turned out to be some prophesied evil dude. He nearly killed her and wrecked her first bike with a curse. Now we know where he is and where he'll be staying when he gets back, and when. I can't wait to play again. :-D
Monday was pretty good too. Even though I have to hit the snooze button a half dozen times, I got to the mall close to on-time since I had to load the car with 7 large boxes all by myself. 2 in the trunk, 4 in the back seat, 1 in the passenger seat. Had to unload them by myself at the mall and re-load the car with their boxes. Most of it was all loose which fell off the cart. Fortunately it was a gorgeous day and I didn't mind being outside at all. :) Finally got to the office downtown around noon. I did some simple office work which I enjoy since it's a break from the actual store stuff. Then for about 2 hours, I got to play with html working on our website. I got this page's lifestyle images done. I found the images, edited them, linked them to the categories and made the mouseover text. I actually also created the subcategories. Of course now the guy in charge of Timberlands on the website now has to link all the products to the subcats. Oh well, he gets paid for it. All in all, it was a pretty good day at work.
Christopher had an online Eberron game that night, so I went to a seminar on beginning to understand how the moderate the message boards. It was really good, and I get paid for it :-D
Today was good. Started very nicely ;) We slept in late, finally got dressed and had breakfast just before lunchtime. I called about getting car insurance. They said they'd call back with the quote. Then we went out for the day. Paid a bill, went to the antique store, got Zoe a doll and a rocking chair. Then we went to the gaming store and got a couple of SW minis for the Sunday game when we switch back to C's SWgame. Then we went to McDonalds with the indoor play area so Zoe (and we) could play a little.

What happened next is actually a rant I wanna get into later.
Ok, So it's later. (Friday night actually) I just posted the next blog entry and realized I hadn't finished this one.
When I was getting ready to leave McDonalds. I called Laura at the shoe store to ask her to briong my workbook with her to Peggy's house because I didn't want to have to go all the way to the store to get it, tehn go on over to Peggy's, espceially not in the rain.... See we were supposed to have a training class of the 4 of us (not inclusing the new girl - who was working Tuesday evening) and the class was to be at Peggy's house because she had room and a VCR. Well, Laura was surprised to hear from me about it and asked if the class was that night. I said yes,.. and she said she didn't know. I informed her we had decided on teh day and time after she had discussed it with Peggy first,.. everyone knew about it,.. especially since it was on the work schedule at the store ...where they were... So by now, I was flustered,.. then she said Peggy didn't know about it etiher because she was there at the store. So I talked to Peggy. Peggy informed me she couldn't do the class since she didn't know about it because it wasn't written on the copy of the schedule she had at home and she had to cook dinner for her husband who needed to eat right at 5pm due to a class he was attending that night. I was absolutely flabbergasted at teh supidity I was hearing. I ended up trying to explain to no avail that her reasoning was totally flawed. She can't use the fact that it was because she didn't write it on a copy of the schedule she's not even supposed to have. She also apparently didn't tell Laura about it (although Laura should have LOOKED at the schedule. Nick was already at teh store doing onlien work, waitnf rot eh class to meet,.. and they *thought hje was kidding* when he told them it was that night. I am still utterly amazed at this... it's got to be the dumbest thing yet that's happened at the store.
As I said in today's blog (Fri April 15) Peggy brought it up again today. She STUILL doesn't feel she was in the wrong even though I pointed out she cost all 4 of us 2.5 hours off our paychecks and cost me and Nick time in getting our training done. Also, I told her I had planned my day around the meting Tuesday. She threw up the fact that I had mentioned that I "was going to bake brownies" but if I had planned my day around it, why hadn't I baked the brownies. I told her I had mentioned I "had planned" on it, but decided not to so I could spend the day with Christopher inxtead of baking... She had the NERVE to throw shit like that in my face after the stunt she pulled. She kept saying everyone makes mistakes (and brought up one time *2 YEARS AGO* that I forgot to check the schedule and didn't come ion at 1pm like I was supposed to, and the girl working had to cover for me even though she had plans. I told Peggy I can accept the fact that she forgot, but she had to understand it wasn't OK to say it wasn't her fault.... ARGH. she still just doesn't get it. I just dropped it.
Sunday was a fairly good day afterall. Mom was really tired and was having a down day of her own. She cried a few times at the party. But I know she's doing better because she went to a Tupperware party the previous night, and cooked a pot of chicken and dumplings the day before. She's not great, but she isn't just laying around moping.
Sunday night was our Vampire game. I rearranged the living room, so now I get to sit in MY recliner for the game :-D Even though I had sent out emails to everyone telliong them NOT to show up til 6, 2 of the guys were here when we got home at 4:30. It never fails. I stifled my mood about it though til C announced that it's not a good idea to come early after I tell them not to. They both said they hadn't seen the emails. Oh well..
The game was pretty good. we finally ALL got together and did stuff as a group. Well, except C who fell asleep cause he never went to bed Sunday morning. My character Sabina got a new bike given to her by Luther, got a permanent asst manager job offer at her sire's dance club, and hwe a record deal to consider. And she's gotten the whole group to work together to find out where her ex bf is. He turned out to be some prophesied evil dude. He nearly killed her and wrecked her first bike with a curse. Now we know where he is and where he'll be staying when he gets back, and when. I can't wait to play again. :-D
Monday was pretty good too. Even though I have to hit the snooze button a half dozen times, I got to the mall close to on-time since I had to load the car with 7 large boxes all by myself. 2 in the trunk, 4 in the back seat, 1 in the passenger seat. Had to unload them by myself at the mall and re-load the car with their boxes. Most of it was all loose which fell off the cart. Fortunately it was a gorgeous day and I didn't mind being outside at all. :) Finally got to the office downtown around noon. I did some simple office work which I enjoy since it's a break from the actual store stuff. Then for about 2 hours, I got to play with html working on our website. I got this page's lifestyle images done. I found the images, edited them, linked them to the categories and made the mouseover text. I actually also created the subcategories. Of course now the guy in charge of Timberlands on the website now has to link all the products to the subcats. Oh well, he gets paid for it. All in all, it was a pretty good day at work.
Christopher had an online Eberron game that night, so I went to a seminar on beginning to understand how the moderate the message boards. It was really good, and I get paid for it :-D
Today was good. Started very nicely ;) We slept in late, finally got dressed and had breakfast just before lunchtime. I called about getting car insurance. They said they'd call back with the quote. Then we went out for the day. Paid a bill, went to the antique store, got Zoe a doll and a rocking chair. Then we went to the gaming store and got a couple of SW minis for the Sunday game when we switch back to C's SWgame. Then we went to McDonalds with the indoor play area so Zoe (and we) could play a little.

What happened next is actually a rant I wanna get into later.
Ok, So it's later. (Friday night actually) I just posted the next blog entry and realized I hadn't finished this one.
When I was getting ready to leave McDonalds. I called Laura at the shoe store to ask her to briong my workbook with her to Peggy's house because I didn't want to have to go all the way to the store to get it, tehn go on over to Peggy's, espceially not in the rain.... See we were supposed to have a training class of the 4 of us (not inclusing the new girl - who was working Tuesday evening) and the class was to be at Peggy's house because she had room and a VCR. Well, Laura was surprised to hear from me about it and asked if the class was that night. I said yes,.. and she said she didn't know. I informed her we had decided on teh day and time after she had discussed it with Peggy first,.. everyone knew about it,.. especially since it was on the work schedule at the store ...where they were... So by now, I was flustered,.. then she said Peggy didn't know about it etiher because she was there at the store. So I talked to Peggy. Peggy informed me she couldn't do the class since she didn't know about it because it wasn't written on the copy of the schedule she had at home and she had to cook dinner for her husband who needed to eat right at 5pm due to a class he was attending that night. I was absolutely flabbergasted at teh supidity I was hearing. I ended up trying to explain to no avail that her reasoning was totally flawed. She can't use the fact that it was because she didn't write it on a copy of the schedule she's not even supposed to have. She also apparently didn't tell Laura about it (although Laura should have LOOKED at the schedule. Nick was already at teh store doing onlien work, waitnf rot eh class to meet,.. and they *thought hje was kidding* when he told them it was that night. I am still utterly amazed at this... it's got to be the dumbest thing yet that's happened at the store.
As I said in today's blog (Fri April 15) Peggy brought it up again today. She STUILL doesn't feel she was in the wrong even though I pointed out she cost all 4 of us 2.5 hours off our paychecks and cost me and Nick time in getting our training done. Also, I told her I had planned my day around the meting Tuesday. She threw up the fact that I had mentioned that I "was going to bake brownies" but if I had planned my day around it, why hadn't I baked the brownies. I told her I had mentioned I "had planned" on it, but decided not to so I could spend the day with Christopher inxtead of baking... She had the NERVE to throw shit like that in my face after the stunt she pulled. She kept saying everyone makes mistakes (and brought up one time *2 YEARS AGO* that I forgot to check the schedule and didn't come ion at 1pm like I was supposed to, and the girl working had to cover for me even though she had plans. I told Peggy I can accept the fact that she forgot, but she had to understand it wasn't OK to say it wasn't her fault.... ARGH. she still just doesn't get it. I just dropped it.
At 9:28 PM,
Ergeheilalt said…
ooooh! The suspense!
Rant! Rant! Rant! Rant! Rant!...
Chanting like that works in fights, figured it might work in a blog.
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