Working Mom in Search of Alternate Reality

Friday, April 15, 2005

I'm sane.

You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity. You can start in small ways with ping-pong ball eyes and a funny voice and then you can paint half of your body red and the other half green and then you can jump up and down in a bowl of treacle going "squawk, squawk, squawk..." And then you can go "Neurhhh! Neurhhh!" and then you can roll around on the floor going "pting pting pting"... - Monty Python: "Show Twenty-One"

This week has been one to test my sanity. Actually I guess it's been pretty dull and boring compared to a lot of lives out there.

Yesterday, I had a woman come in an put a pair of shoes on the counter and show me where they were torn. I agreed it was terrible to have them break like that, and went to look at her receipt. Now,.. the shoes she was showing me haven't been carried in my store for over 2 years. Our return policy is for 1 year. So I was already trying to get my words formed in my mind to let her down nicely. Then I realized the receipt was for March of this year. Looking closer it was for a different kind of shoe. They were very similar shoes, but different nonetheless. I told her they were not the ones she had purchased with the receipt. By then, her husband had come in. I *know* this racket, but there weren't any other customers or anyone to back me up. I know they watched the store long enough to know I was alone. The guy got very adamant about the refund. I started to ring it up just to make them go away and I realized the receipt was for a pair of size 7, and the shoes were 6. I outright refused at that point, wishing Robert (my boss) were there. They got very irate then and the man started yelling. I told them they didn't even have the box from the purchase. They said they'd go get it. I figured they'd never be back . well about an hour later, they were back with the box. The man looked at me like I shouldn't even dare consider refusing the refund. I was seriously scared of them. They were really redneck-like people. I also knew they were professional at this kind of harassment. It made me mad as hell, but I feared my own safetly and the money wasn't worth it. I went to call Laura first, since she had sold them the shoes. But she wasn't home. I figured she could tell me if she had looked at the shoes in the box first. I was completely in the right, but again, fearing my own safety, I gave them the refund. I did however make it very clear I did NOT want to. Afterwards, the man said it was like I was calling him a liar and he didn't appreciate it. I told him the shoes WERE NOT WHAT THEY BOUGHT. I was SO pissed off at him by this time. He said they were so what had been in the box and said they'd never shop there again. I yelled back "I DON'T CARE", and as they left the store, he called me a motherfucker. I screamed at him not to DARE cuss me in my own store. He considered going back in (cause the door had just closed) but he left. I'd have been on the phone to the cops so fast!

The girl at the other store had a rude customer too, so I don't feel alone.

Then before I left work yesterday, the new girl we got to work nights and weekends called and told me she has a Fri and Sat night job at a local night club/restaurant. So, now I have to rearrange the schedule, and I do NOT want to work Sat. nights due to my online game. Damn.

Then today, she came by to tell me she lost the store keys... *bangs head on wall*

Also today, Peggy (the lady who forgot we were having the team meeting at her house) confronted me about what I said to Robert about it. I told her the truth. I told her I was ticked off and had to call him to let him know it wasn't happening after he had pestered me to get a time arranged and everything (AND HAD IT ON THE SCHEDULE!) Then she asked me to tell her the truth, was he trying to make her quit. I laughed. I said No! and that *I* wasn't trying to get rid of her either, but that I wanted her to start following some basic rules. I don't want her making copies of the schedule anymore. She has to write down her hours and refer to them at home on her own calendar, and she has to re-check the schedule everytime she comes in. THIS IS COMMON PRACTICE AT EVERY JOB I EVER HAD!!! This woman thinks the whole damn world revolves around her., but she is oblivious to the fact that that view is wrong or would possibly annoy other people. She even said she wished she could just talk to Robert the way I do. I told her to just talk to him. Hell he's just a human being like everyone else.

Anyway, what amazes me is how I've just let everything slide off my back. I've even worked all my newly-scheduled minimum online hours, making my total for the 2 weeks well over 80. I'm not gonna get paid overtime thopugh I'll bet. I believe he's found some law or something that makes it possible to not add in-store hours to online hours. Figures. I'd better have my new raise included on my next paycheck though. That'll be a nice check :-D

Well that's it,.. no ranting lunatic in this post. Maybe next week ;)


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